

  • ACID compliant
  • Data types: numeric, string, boolean, datetime, arrays, json, - key-value, etc
  • Stored procedures: PL/PGSQL, Python, Perl, etc
  • Data Integrity: PK, FK, UK, NN, etc
  • Fault tolerant
  • Full Text Search

Getting started

Test new PG installation on linux:

sudo -u postgres psql -c "select ':-D' ok"

Create user and database for local usage:

sudo -u postgres createuser -s $(whoami)
sudo -u postgres createdb $(whoami)

Connect as admin user:

psql -U postgres

Create databases:

CREATE DATABASE database_name;

Connect as regular user to own database:


psql console commands

Command Description
\l List databases
\c NAME Connect to database
\conninfo Connection information
\dt List tables
\d NAME Describe table, etc
\p Show current query buffer
\r Clear current query buffer
\q Quit psql

Load a CSV file into a table:

copy TABLENAME from '/home/user/SOURCE.csv' delimiter ',' csv header;

Copy a table structure but not its rows:

create table salaries2 as select * from salaries where false;


Dump database script:

pg_dump --format=p --create --host=HOSTNAME --port=5432 --schema-only --file=DBNAME.dump --username=postgres DBNAME

Command line interface

Set environment variables from project config:

. config/development.env

Connect to DB using env vars:


Restore a dump (with create database):

psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres < ./db/15-02-19.dump

Check config file location:

psql -U postgres -c 'SHOW config_file'


Date functions

SELECT date_trunc('day', 'now'::timestamp)

Generate a series dynamically


SELECT hour_series FROM generate_series(0, 23) hour_series


SELECT odd_numbers FROM generate_series(1, 100, 2) odd_numbers

Timestamp series:

SELECT period_series
FROM generate_series('2019-02-11 05:00:00'::timestamp, 
                     '2019-02-12 04:59:59'::timestamp, 
                     '1 hour'::interval) period_series

Postgress on docker


  • Install docker

Pull image:

docker pull postgres

Start container:

docker run --name some-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres


-d    (run detached)

Run shell on container:

docker exec -it some-postgres /bin/bash


-it interactive terminal

Note: Use //bin//bash or just bash when running from Git Bash on Windows

Connect to db as admin:

runuser -l postgres -c psql

Create user:

create database hellodb;
create user hellouser with password 'hellouser';
grant all privileges on database hellodb to hellouser;

Connect to db as user:

psql postgres://hellouser:hellouser@localhost/hellodb

Create tables:

create table hellotable (name text);
insert into hellotable values ('Hello World');

Running postgres from binaries (portable)

Download binaries from

Unzip on a directory, like: C:\Local\Portable\pgsql\ and CD into this dir.

cd C:\Local\Portable\pgsql\

Create two new subdirs:

mkdir data
mkdir logs

Add binaries to PATH:

setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Local\Portable\pgsql\bin"

Initialize DB data with:

initdb -U postgres -A password -E utf8 -W -D C:\Local\Portable\pgsql\data

Start the server cluster with:

pg_ctl -D "C:\Local\Portable\pgsql\data" -l "C:\Local\Portable\pgsql\logs\pgsql.log" start

Stop the server cluster with:

pg_ctl -D "C:\Local\Portable\pgsql\data" -l "C:\Local\Portable\pgsql\logs\pgsql.log" stop

Connect locally:

psql -U postgres

Create a user and database:

psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -U postgres <<-EOSQL
     CREATE USER myuser WITH PASSWORD 'mypass';
     CREATE DATABASE "mydb";
     GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "mydb" TO myuser;     

Export/import a table with CSV

The command copy works with files on the server, while \copy works with files on the client.

Export from original DB to CSV using a custom query:

\copy (select id, "storeId", "tabletId", description, "mealId", "isCombo", "isOption", "quantity", "basePrice", "composedPrice", "totalPrice", "orderedAt", "startedAt", "finishedAt", "deliveredAt", "canceledAt", "tabId", "orderId" from app.sales where "storeId" = 80 and "tabId" is not null and "orderId" is not null) to 'C:\temp\data-sales.csv' with (format 'csv', header true);

Import into target DB from CSV:

\copy app.sales (id, store_id, tablet_id, meal_description, meal_id, is_combo, is_option, quantity, base_price, composed_price, total_price, ordered_at, started_at, finished_at, delivered_at, canceled_at, tab_id, order_id) from 'C:\temp\data-sales.csv' with (format 'csv', header true);


Insert data from one table as a JSONB array in another table.

create table test_json (data jsonb);
insert into test_json values ((select to_jsonb(array_agg(p.*)) from "Person" p));

Extract data from a JSONB column as a recordset.

select,, x."createdAt", x."updatedAt"
from jsonb_to_recordset((
    select data
    from test_json 
    where data @> '[{"id":1}]'
)) as x (id int, name text, "createdAt" timestamp, "updatedAt" timestamp);


Don’t know the name for login user source

Start PostgreSQL in single-user mode:

C:\Local\Portable\pgsql\bin\postgres.exe --single -D C:\Local\Portable\pgsql\pgsql\data postgres

List users that can login:

SELECT * FROM pg_authid WHERE rolcanlogin;